
Tuesday, February 12, 2019



  • Loki and his gambling ways sparked a heated rivalry between the Sons of Ivaldi (which Ulgrim is a part of) and a pair of Dwarven smiths from Nidavellir


The story of Loki's involvement with these "Dwarven smiths" can be found on the Sons of Ivaldi page.

Other than that, whether you're coming from Norse mythology or the Marvel universe (comics or movies), Loki is bad news. There are all sorts of crazy mythological stories of Loki and his antics. No matter where you go, he's the trickster god and one of the main enemies of Asgard. He is the parent of such powerful entities and monstrosities as Hel (goddess of Helheim), Jormungand (the giant, world-spanning serpent), and Fenrir (the great wolf).


  1. I have a theory that Loki in the Brawlhalla universe is currently in Terminus, where he was sentenced after his role in the murder of Baldur.
    Here's my evidence:

    Baldur, who is the son of Odin and Freya, had a dream that foreshadowed his own death. As a response, Freya went and told every living thing in the universe to be nice to and love Baldur. This technically made him invincible to practically everything. Everything except Mistletoe, because Freya thought it could never pose a threat to Baldur.

    Enter Loki.

    He fashioned a spear made out of Mistletoe and convinced another God to throw said spear at Baldur. Baldur got killed, everyone in Asgard was sad for a while, and Loki got punished by, in summary, being chained to three rocks in a cave somewhere while a giant serpent sat on top of him and drooled poison on him. Also the chains were made of the entrails of his dead son, Narfi.

    What does this have to do with Brawlhalla?

    Since it's established that Terminus is a prison dimension for the worst individuals in the entire multiverse, it would make sense that Loki would end up there.

    1. Excellent theory. I think the "Loki's Grasp" KO effect tells us more: Loki is certainly in Terminus and he traps souls there.
