
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Mona Lisa


  • Caspian replaced the Mona Lisa with a portrait of himself with an enigmatic smile


It may be one of the most famous paintings now, but until the early 20th century, people didn't care as much about the Mona Lisa. Sure, it was another work by the great Leonardo da Vinci, and it was one of the first works of art to be displayed in the Louvre Museum in Paris (which first opened in 1793, with the Mona Lisa arriving there in 1804), but its rise to fame truly began when its theft in August of 1911 made headline news all over the world. By the time the Mona Lisa was brought back to the Louvre in 1914, the world knew about it.

Today, the Mona Lisa is still displayed in the Louvre, behind bulletproof glass. I've actually seen it in person, and I have to say, it is smaller than I imagined it would be. It was actually a slight disappointment. I thought, "Wait, that's it? What's all the fuss about, then?" as I looked on at the dozens and dozens of gawkers trying to take a picture of it with their cameras or flip phones (this was before the smartphone was big).

Wait, theft if 1911?? How long was Caspian alive if he was also at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805) and the Kentucky Derby (1875 and every year since)? My thought is that either Caspian lived a very long life (which isn't out of the question, given how his father went from human to vampire to ghost before finally getting completely killed), or Caspian's theft took place earlier and it didn't become so noteworthy then. I'm more inclined to think he stole it earlier, in the 1800s, because I think part of what made the 1911 theft such widespread news was that communication and travel was at least a little more advanced and developed.

All that being said, given the plethora of fan art that I see on a weekly basis in the Brawlhalla community, I'm surprised I haven't yet seen a fan make a "Caspian with an Enigmatic Smile" piece. If you're an artist, and you like this idea, make it happen! ;)

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