
Wednesday, February 27, 2019



  • As Artemis traversed the dangers of the universe, she careened through the Tri-Nova, ending Lance Starchampion's fleet, and imploding the Leviathan of Eons


A nova (plural form: novae) is defined as a star that suddenly gets very bright, and then slowly returns to its original state over the course of a few months. This is not to be confused with a supernova, which is a star that suddenly gets very bright...because a huge explosion blew it apart. The word "nova" comes from the Latin word for "new star," because to the naked eye, a nova appears in the sky as a "new star," even though it's been there all along but hadn't been noticed before. A nova can even become the brightest star in the night sky until it dims down.

Here's how a nova occurs: Stars are often in pairs or clusters, orbiting around each other. If one of the stars is a white dwarf (a small, aged star), and the other evolves into a red giant (the stage in a star's lifespan before becoming a white dwarf), some of the gasses and matter from the red giant into itself. When enough of this gas builds up on the white dwarf, an explosion occurs (not quite supernova levels, though) that causes the dwarf to appear to shine far brighter than normal. There are some really cool images and artistic renderings out there of this phenomenon.

So, what does this mean for Artemis's lore? Assuming the Tri-Nova is actually a phenomenon in space and not an artificial location (like some space bar or something), it is probably a group of three stars, which could be considered unusual enough to be considered a landmark. If there are three stars involved, does that mean novae can happen much more frequently? It's a cool idea. But, in any case, it's too late now because Artemis "careened" through it, and it destroyed everything around it, ending Lance Starchampion's fleet and imploding the Leviathan of Eons. This destruction could have been caused by simple, nova-level explosions that got redirected to the fleet and the Leviathan. Or, even more probable (given what we see of Artemis's power with dark matter in her sigs), one or more of the three stars involved went supernova and/or imploded into a black hole. Now that is epic, and because it's so epic, it's probably what happened (BMG seems to enjoy making all legend lore pages a fun read, being funny and impressive at the same time).

P.S.--It has come to my attention that it's possible that the "careening" through the Tri-Nova could have happened at a different time from when Artemis ended Lance's fleet or imploded the Leviathan of Eons. The grammar says one thing, but common sense says another. Did the "careening" cause the destruction and implosion, or were all three events exclusive from each other? Might have to ask BMG for clarification about this.


  1. I am not sure if the text mean that Careening through the Tri-Nova destroyed both Lance Starchampion and the Leviathan of Eons

    It seemed more like it was one of the things she did, among others stuff during her trek through the universe. As the whole text states.

    From there she traversed the dangers of the universe, careening through the Tri-Nova, ending Starchampion's fleet, and imploding the Leviathan of Eons, ''to name a few.''

    I could be wrong, but it was something I noticed.

  2. may be right. The wording of the lore is unclear. The usage of the "-ing" ending seems to imply that they were effects of the events before (Artemis careened, ending the fleet and imploding the leviathan). But, it would make more sense from a lore standpoint if the three events happened at different times (Artemis careened, ended the fleet, and imploded the leviathan). I might have to ask someone at BMG about that. Thanks for bringing this up!
