
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Unseelie Diplomat


  • This self-appointed diplomat was eliminated by Diana


The words "Seelie" and "Unseelie" refer to the most common categories used to classify different types/alignments of fairies (the mythical, often small and woodland-related creatures originating from the folklore of the British Isles). The words are derived from the Middle English word seely (from which we get the modern English word "silly"), which means "happy," "lucky," or "blessed." Conversely, unseely means "unhappy," "unfortunate," or "unholy." It is easy, therefore, to see how "seelie" refers to elves aligned with light or goodness, while "unseelie" is for those on the side of evil and darkness. In many fantasy settings (including Dungeons & Dragons), these two classifications are referred to as courts.

Fairies belonging to the Seelie Court are friendly towards humans/humanoids. They could also be chaotic and mischievous, even seeking vengeance for a perceived wrong, but never truly devious or malicious. Those belonging to the Unseelie Court, however, need no provocation to justify their assaults. Some might choose to spare a "respectful" human to keep as a servant or a pet.

Based on all this, it is little wonder, then, that the Unseelie Diplomat is "self-appointed," nor is it surprising that Diana, a monster hunter belonging to the Order of the Exalted Lion, eliminated him/her/it.

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