
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Library of the Seventh Empire


  • It was deep in the long lost Library of the Seventh Empire that Lin Fei freed her family’s ancestral guardian, the dragon Xiao


I found nothing about a "Seventh Empire" in China, so I interpreted it to mean the seventh dynasty in Imperial China. Unfortunately, it's not a simple matter of counting dynasties to find the seventh. Look at the chart on this page. The seventh dynasty from the very beginning is the Xin Dynasty. The seventh "dynasty" listed under Imperial China is the Eastern Jin Dynasty. If you don't count those instances labeled as "Kingdoms," then the seventh imperial dynasty is the Northern and Southern Dynasties, or perhaps the Sui Dynasty. It depends on what you mean by "7th," and the range of possibilities here goes from 9 AD to 618 AD. Also consider that because I know so little about this complex topic, I could be missing some big considerations here. Therefore, I have no idea when this "Seventh Empire" was. Besides, their library was a "long lost" one, so who knows how long after it was built that Lin Fei found it.

Speaking of the library, a possible candidate for a real-world version is the Xianyang Palace and State Archives, which is said to have been destroyed in 206 BC.

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