
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Undead Wars


  • Xull only ever lost once, and he honored that wager, switching sides in the Undead Wars, despite being certain she (Jhala) must have somehow cheated


Although the phrase "Undead Wars" isn't seen anywhere outside of Xull's lore page, I'm quite positive it is related to Jhala's lore (in which she bested the Orc Warlord, gaining the honorary title "Friend," and later leading the armies of all Thera against Ehzot, the Zombie Lord). Teros's lore page also mentions his involvement with the Iron Legion in the Battle of Orc Pass.

Unless I see evidence to suggest otherwise, I'll say that the Undead Wars is the conflicts between Ehzot and the rest of the world (perhaps just Thera), and the Battle of Orc Pass was just one battle in those wars. These conflicts involved Xull, Teros, Jhala, and Ehzot (Azoth). At one point, the Iron Legion was on Ehzot's side, until Jhala beat Xull and made them switch sides.

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