
Tuesday, March 12, 2019



  • Great oracles are rare because by the time a witch has toiled through the many grueling years required to master Starspeak, they've almost certainly lost the charm and positive attitude needed for start to want to talk to them, Fait's greatest power was most likely her unwavering good-nature


I really hoped I could find some sort of paranormal practice that involved actually speaking to the stars in the sky. So far, not much luck. I did find some other interesting results, though.

The word "starspeak" can be associated with astrology, as shown by the Facebook page of this astrologer, as well as this book.

Here's a teen novel about a summer poetry class, for what it's worth.

Another interpretation of "Starspeak," which I somehow didn't think of until researching, is the language of stars, meaning celebrities or charismatic speakers.

There's also Enochian, a language recorded by two 16th century philosophers, John Dee and Edward Kelley. These men claimed that this celestial language was revealed to them by angels. It actually has a dictionary, and is the featured language between angels and demons in the Bayonetta games. The name of this language comes from the biblical prophet, Enoch, who is said to be the last human to know the language (before Dee and Kelley were blessed by the angels). Not exactly "starspeak," but it was believed to be the language of celestial beings.

None of these sources (except the Starspeak book) seem to imply that the stars themselves have personalities. I love that the stars of the Brawlhalla universe are "besties" with such a charming, positive personality like Fait. The thought of that just...makes me happy. :)

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