
Wednesday, June 26, 2019



  • To most, Terminus is a dystopian prison realm where frighteningly violent and dangerous undesirables are banished. To Petra, Terminus is home.


Before Petra, we knew very little about Terminus. It was only referenced as a theme for a handful of cosmetic items, and was described as an extra-dimensional prison in which Loki traps anyone he can catch who is going to Valhalla. Now, we know it as a "chaotic nexus dimension," that wasn't always a prison. Before, it was a mine for the very unique material we know as Darkheart. It was the power of the high concentration of Darkheart that led the gods to make Terminus the nearly inescapable prison it is today.

The name "Terminus" is really quite fitting. Besides being a term for a transportation terminal (like a train station), the broader definition is "a final point in space or time; an end or extremity." Indeed, anything you see given the name "Terminus" is likely an ending place for all who come to it.


  1. Where is the text? Or is this page still under construction?

    1. Not any more! Somehow, I forgot I hadn't updated this. Thanks for bringing it up!
