
Wednesday, June 26, 2019



    • When Petra was nineteen, her gang the Incarnates won a turf war that gave them control of a Darkheart quarry that would change her life forever. Some say Petra was infected by Darkheart, others say she unlocked its power. Whatever the truth, she has brought that mythic ore and the strength it imbues to Valhalla.


      Petra's lore demonstrates Darkheart ore to be incredibly powerful, and kept in the depths of the nigh-inescapable Terminus so that no one could bring it into the outer world. Petra was lifted by Brynn from Terminus, and brought some Darkheart ore with her, which is likely what was used to craft the Darkheart items (a series of cosmetic items that can be bought in Mallhalla, including weapon skins, a podium, and even a few legend skins).

      Darkheart is clearly some sort of ore, since it comes from a quarry. Not very much attention was given to this substance previous to Petra's release apart from the Darkheart cosmetic items. Now, thanks to Petra's lore, we know a lot more about its power and its properties.

      Written by Baron Dipitous & Troonk

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