
About Baron Dipitous

Credit: @JorgeVz23

Hi! My name is Baron Dipitous.

If you couldn't tell already, I am a huge fan of Brawlhalla, especially the lore behind it all! My profession is library science, so it is exciting to me to use my research and library skills for a fan project like this.

In Brawlhalla itself, I am a Scarlet main (though I've been getting more into Fait and Isaiah recently) in high silver/low gold. I consider myself to be a casual player. I have no competitive ambitions because I am already busy enough with married life, graduate school, and my other hobbies. I just love playing the game for fun (and yes, I already know I'm "trash," thank you for telling me). Some of my personal philosophies as a player and community member (tips I would give to any new players) are listed at the bottom of this page.

This website is not the only "wiki" I'm maintaining. I've also created a couple of other wiki sites! For links to these, and other internet works of mine, feel free to visit Baron's Blog of Barons!

Below is my contact information, as well as my presence on other social media platforms. Feel free to contact me, especially if you have any questions or suggestions about this site! I love hearing from fellow Brawlhalla fans. :)


Tips I Would Give To Any New Player

  • Have fun
  • Skins/colors do not equal skill, only time and interest
  • Getting tilted or upset is a choice
  • Be grateful for failures and losses, because they are much more effective at making you better than wins
  • Keep moving forward
  • There are no "bad" legends or "bad" weapons
  • There are no "bad" or "trash" players, either, only new or inexperienced or unkind players
  • The "best" legend is your favorite(s), and the "worst" is your least favorite(s)
  • Even if you assume that a tier list was made with no motives, it isn't at all helpful to any player below the top 200
  • You can't change what other players do, only how you react
  • When it comes to Brawlhalla, don't take yourself—or anything—more seriously than the developers do
  • Have fun
Here, another fun banner. ;)
Credit: @MadmanBarbados


  1. I'm not entirely sure why you wanted me to check "Brawlhalla Tier List." I looked at it, and saw that it was another analysis on the "tier level" of each legend.

    As with any other tier list or analysis, I don't think it really applies that much to anyone below the top 200 or so Brawlhalla players in the world. 90% of the players are nowhere near that level, and it is my current opinion that unless you are crazy good, every legend is equally viable according to personal skill and experience.

    If this is something you want to debate on, I happily welcome constructive conversation. :)
