Tuesday, January 29, 2019



  • Scarlet went on an expedition to the remote Andes searching for the source of the mysterious aether-flux and there discovered a Lost World of dinosaurs, but was betrayed by Baron von Evilstein soon after
  • Scarlet participated in the Second Battle of the Andes (which involved pterodactyls and air skiffs)


The Andes/Andean Mountains make up the longest continental mountain range in the world along the western edge of South America. As for the "Second Battle of the Andes," what we could find was the first and second Battle of Cancha Rayada, which took place in 1814 and 1818, respectively. Both battles were part of the War of Chilean Independence, and both resulted in a victory for the royalists (those supporting the Spanish monarchy). Of course, the war eventually ended in freedom for the Chileans from Spanish colonial rule. This war was actually one of several wars going on in early 19th century Central and South America, collectively called the Spanish American Wars of Independence (part of an even larger set of wars called the Latin American Wars of Independence).

Was this "Second Battle of the Andes" part of those wars? It's likely. Or, it could have something to do with the Lost World that Scarlet and the Baron discovered there. Or, it could actually involve both (how's that for a battle?).

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