Tuesday, January 29, 2019



  • Mother of Brynn
  • Saw Kaya's unconquerable heart and offered her a place in Valhalla; Kaya became best friends with her daughter, Brynn
  • Sir Roland beheld her as she lifted up his defeated foe (the fabled Jade Knight); he dedicated his life to gaining glory in the hopes of seeing her again; saw her again in his deathbed, where she punched him to death so he could "die in battle" and be worthy to go to Valhalla


I thought for sure Hypernia was the name of an actual Valkyrie in Norse mythology, or at least in the Marvel Comics universe or something. Nope. Outside of Brawlhalla, I could only find Hypernia as the name of a gaming computer server company. Also, there is the Marvel character Hyperion, but he seems to have little connection to the characters inspired by Norse mythology.

The least we can do, though, is solidify the fact that Hypernia and Sir Roland are the parents of Brynn. The lore pages of Brynn and Sir Roland seem to hint strongly at this relationship, but I was puzzled by the fact that it was never really fully confirmed in the in-game lore. Below are the statements from the lore pages that give these hints.

  • "Your father was a mortal, it is true, but he was a great warrior - perhaps the greatest."
  • "...Hypernia's daughter, the heir to her immortal mother's impossible beauty and her human father's legendary charm."
  • "Now she competes [in the Grand Tournament] for the pure joy of it, her human thirst for the fight surprising everyone, including herself."

Sir Roland: 
  • "He beheld the Valkyrie Hypernia as she lifted up his defeated foe. Overcome by her beauty, Roland dedicated his life to gaining glory in hopes of seeing the Valkyrie again."
  • "For the next fifty years, the proud, bullheaded and charming Roland...broke more hearts than any knight of his time."
  • "As an old man on his deathbed, Roland finally beheld Hypernia again. She could not allow a natural death to keep such a warrior from Valhalla, so, with a ghost of a smile, she punched him herself so he could die in battle and she could offer him a seat in the hall of glory."
That's all we have in the game. Seems so very clear and yet so ambiguous at the same time. Well, if all this wasn't proof enough (as it wasn't for me), BMG themselves confirmed that Sir Roland was indeed Brynn's father on several occasions over social media, including this Twitter post ("It's Father Daughter day in Brawlhalla"). I think that makes this all pretty conclusive. It's possible that Hypernia's brief appearance to Roland and the beginning and/or at end of his mortal career wasn't really so brief after all. ;)


  1. Damn awesome site. Really helps in brawlhalla lore missions in battle pass.season 2.
