Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Jade Knight


  • As a young knight, Sir Roland vanquished the fabled Jade Knight, and for a brief moment his eyes pieced the veil between worlds, when he beheld the Valkyrie Hypernia as she lifted up his defeated foe


Searches for "Jade Knight" showed me a spaceship in the Gradius video game series (it also appeared as a Yu-Gi-Oh card, Atk 1000, Def 1800). That can't be it.

There is a Green Knight in Arthurian legend. Specifically, he is a character in the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The story is a long one, but is easy to find. In essence, the Green Knight was part of a scheme to test King Arthur's knights.

We know the Jade Knight was carried by Hypernia to Valhallau/DRG-Piox on the Brawlhalla subreddit has some great theories about the Jade Knight, considering some of the "emerald,' "green," and "jade" weapon skins offered in the game. At this point, this speculation and theorizing is the best we have regarding the identity of the Jade Knight. It should also be noted that in the Brawlhalla universe, Valhalla is full of hundreds, even thousands of heroes and legends, but the game of Brawlhalla only focuses on the best of the best. Therefore, it is quite likely that the Jade Knight is in Valhalla, and those weapons skins are from them.


  1. I think that Jade Knight is a reference to game Castle Crashers.
    Before on BMG's website there were bios for devs (they are removed since some time ago, tho were still there like few months ago) and if I remember correctly then in Matt Woomer's or Dinohedron's it was mentioned that one of them really like that game.
    In Castle Crashers there are 4 main/starting Knight characters and the 1st from the list is Green Knight. Also one of 4 starting weapons was axe (tho it wasn't paired with this character) and we have also Emerald Blade axe skin in Brawlhalla that is referencing Green Knight (wich was added quite early on game's development, I think it was shortly after 1st axe legend Teros was added). Also I think that the "Jade" weapon set is rather referencing Wu Shang since he was a general and from China and this is from where this weapon set comes from after all.
    There is also other thing that I think is a reference to that game - in Orion's lore it is mentioned that Sir Roland thinks he's "a Gold Knight that he never slew". So in Castle Crashers there isn't any Gold Knight and even any Yellow Knight. BUT in early builds of game character that now is an Orange Knight (who uses fire magic!) was instead the Yellow Knight (I assume they changed his colors because Orange fits fire better and also it's sometimes speculated that 4 Knights represent parts of United Kingdom, too). Interestingly enough Sir Roland uses YELLOW FIRE in his sigs.

    And on side other interesting thing about the Castle Crashers has basically opposite experience from Brawlhalla since that game focuses on story mode with multiplayer coop available, where PvP occurs after main bosses and also as secondary mode and there is not written lore in that game at all. XD

    1. Oh it was Matt Woomer's bio :D

    2. All quite interesting! It's possible, but it also could just be that they thought "Jade Knight" and "gold knight" sounded cool.
