Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Order of the Exalted Lion


  • Prince Caspian quietly vanished when the Order stepped in to destroy his father
  • Diana was the commander of the Order's hunters; uncovered corruption in the Order
  • Apollo gave Jhala the title of "Exalted Lion" after defeating Ehzot, the Zombie Lord; this was possibly the origin of the Order
  • Mordex was the Quartermaster of the Order; joined to get closer to the monsters and artifacts that would give him the power he desired; stole the Geminius Virens—a cursed artifact hidden in the deepest vaults of the Order
  • One of Sir Roland's myriad titles is "Knight of the Order of Exalted Lion"


The Order of the Exalted Lion is unique to the Brawlhalla universe. As stated in Diana's lore: "For a thousand years, the Order of the Exalted Lion has defended mundane society from the supernatural with a trademark combination of elite training and exotic weaponry." If we assume Diana, Mordex, and Caspian lived in the 19th century, that means the Order has been around since the time of the vikings.

The fact that Jhala was given the title of "Exalted Lion" is interesting, given that she lived in the world of Thera (which may or may not be Earth). The Order certainly existed during Sir Roland's time, when he was a Knight of the Order. Then, we have Diana and Octavius (Mordex), when the Order continued to hunt supernatural creatures and beings (including Caspian's father, the Mad King of Batavia). Mordex's betrayal could have torn the Order apart, but in the 21st century, people like Isaiah and Sentinel were still developing weapons for and hunting down supernatural threats.

It is unclear how the Order was organized, but at least in Diana/Mordex/Caspian's time, a "Supreme Patriarch" had their own dedicated chamber within the/an Order base.

The Exalted Lion skin chest in Brawlhalla features unique skins for Ghash, Diana, and Jiro. Each of these skins feature silver armor and weapons with red and black highlights and lion motifs.

It should also be noted that if the order were an acronym, it would be OEL, which is the same as Isaiah's Office of Emergency Logistics. Coincidence? Arguably. But BMG loves to make coincidences and suggestions in their Brawlhalla lore...

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