Monday, August 27, 2018



  • As Orion's reputation grows in the arena, Artemis wonders if Asgard might be too infected to save
  • Azoth is happy to retire here, but gets summoned away again and again
  • Children are rare among the immortals here; Brynn grew up in every corner of this place; Asgard is a vast society, and some don't see Brynn as a "true" Asgardian
  • In a war against the Elves, the victorious Asgardians took the Elves' sentient golems (including Kor) for menial labor; Asgardians were unaware that the golems are sentient, and hold secret fighting tournaments among themselves; Asgardian symbol of justice is on Kor's hammer
  • Volkov dedicated his first Asgardian cup to Lin Fei
  • Orion arrived here in a blazing trail of smoke; he's the only hero seen to leave here from time to time
  • Queen Nai believes Asgardians have a dim understanding of the cycle of creation & destruction; she believes Asgard must be destroyed for the world to be renewed and for her gods to rule again
  • Ragnir came here to bring Ember back because the Fangwild is collapsing; soars over Asgard at night in dragon form
  • Sentinel has seen that there are those in Asgard that need protection and justice
  • Sidra is the Terror of the Asgardian Sea
  • Ulgrim is one of the Sons of Ivaldi, the original master craftsmen of Asgard


In Norse mythology, Asgard is one of the Nine Worlds. Specifically, Asgard is home to the tribe of gods called the Aesir (the other tribe is called the Vanir). The name comes from Old Norse Ásgarðr, meaning "Enclosure of the Aesir." It may seem like "Asgard" and "Valhalla" are used interchangeably sometimes in the lore, but the distinction is that Asgard refers to the entire land or "World" (like a whole country), and Valhalla is a city within Asgard. Odin and his wife Frigg are the King and Queen of Asgard. The way to get to Asgard from Midgard (the normal world as we know it) is across Bifrost, the rainbow bridge, where Heimdall stands guard.


  1. I cant find anything here about volkov not being able to be affected by a wooden stake

    1. Earlier in the lore it says he removed his heart shortly after becoming a vampire to avoid staking

    2. You just needed to read Volkov's lore carefully. ;)
