#43. Dusk


The Renegade Sorcerer

“Dusk was the only prisoner here that mattered. Now the walls are smashed to bits and he’s gone. So I guess I’m retired.” 

Illidar, Warden of Elondil Prison 

“I use the magic of the elven-folk to make the doom of gods, not cookies OR presents for you.” 

– Dusk to Kaya

As the story goes...

If there’s one thing the Elven King regrets above all else, it’s not killing Dusk thoroughly enough. It was Master Artificer Dusk who wove the mighty fabric of spells that created the great golem battalions. It was Dusk who led the golem assault on Asgard. And when the elves were defeated by Thor and the valkyries, it was Dusk whom the Elven King blamed.

Dusk was thrown into Elondil Prison, and for four hundred years, there he stayed. But he was not defeated. For two hundred years, in a bare and lightless cell, Dusk forged the tool that would free him – an orb made of stone and magic. And, for another two hundred years, Dusk taught himself to wield it, bonding the Orb to his will and turning the tool into a weapon.

When he was ready, the orb smashed walls and guards alike, and Dusk escaped Aelfheim into the great Fangwild forest. The Guardian of the Fangwild [Ember?] was not prepared for the strange new weapon Dusk wields and fell to his ambush. Styling himself the new Lord of the Fangwild, he gathered the power of the eldritch forest and schemes to overthrow both Aelfheim and Asgard.
But the Fangwild is not so easy to master, and now Dusk is in Valhalla. Yet his ambitions run deep, and he is planning something big. Dusk and the new weapon he wields have taken the Grand Tournament by storm. Ember and Ragnir loathe him as a betrayer, but his intensity and ambition have gathered him a following among the less scrupulous legends.


  •  Unleashed the dark chaos at the Fangwild's heart, leading Arcadia to rally together the faefolk of the Fangwild against him. Their battle raged for three days before she punched his ticket to Valhalla. 


With the introduction of the orb weapon, Dusk is the first true magic caster in Brawlhalla, as well as a dark elf. Not only that, he seems to be a sort of foil to Ember, especially because he probably killed her, sending her to Valhalla.

His lore mentions Aelfheim, but in some interpretations of Norse cosmology (including the version used in the Marvel Comics universe), there is a realm of dark elves as well, known as Svartalfheim. This begs the question: are the Aelfheim elves in Brawlhalla all dark, or did Dusk become dark as his evil scheming became manifest later on?

Spear is a decent weapon for an elf. Many fantasy elves are shown wielding spears, as well as any other fantasy melee weapon. As mentioned before, Dusk is the first orb legend. His lore gives the background on the creation and use of that weapon. I don't think it necessarily means that Dusk invented the orb weapon in general, just that he worked with what he had while in prison and that's what he came up with.


  1. Dark elves are dwarves that are children of the goddess Freya. Also known as svartalves.

    1. Hmm...right. If so, then they were just "dark elves" to begin with.

  2. Hi again Baron Dipitious. Just want to say you did a great job on this site. I am in low gold, would srsly appreciate a mammoth coin donation . Thx for this!

    1. I am low gold as well! I'm sorry to say that I am not in the business of donating Mammoth Coins to anyone, especially those who remain anonymous. ;)

  3. Is it not Cannon that Dusk built Kor?
    It would seem like it, since Dusk built the Golem Battalions, which Kor is a part of.

    1. You're right, and I'm surprised I hadn't included that in Kor's page under "Connections." I'm fixing that now.

  4. Dusk's lore reminds me of Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban, idk why

  5. Hi Baron, i just want to say something, the stories of the lore of every character ...Are AMAZING, i love everything of this, i'm just thinking who can be the next so yeah, by the way how you will do the Ghost Armour lore, i cant wait to see it:3

    1. I love the lore too! BMG devs did such a good job with each one!

      I will treat Ghost Armor like all the other characters, and I hope to get the whole site up to date before or soon after the legend's release. :)
